September 13, 2007
Dear Visitation Families,
Our summer-like weather continues! I hope you get the chance to enjoy some sunshine while we still have the abundance. One way to do that would be this Saturday at the Commencement Bay Maritime Festival where you could watch the Dragon boat races and cheer on our very own Visitation student boat. These Vikings have been practicing hard and I know they will make a great showing. The races start at 11:00 AM.
RECEIVING THE SACRAMENTS: This is a reminder that if your child is in 2nd grade or older than 2nd grade and you would like to get information on preparation for the sacraments, ask the office to send you the Sacramental Sign Up form. The four parishes are combining their resources to provide a strong program. Also consider signing up for GIFT (Generations In Faith Together). This is a wonderful opportunity for you and your family to deepen your knowledge of the Catholic Faith and share community.
This program begins Oct. 14. Check at the end of the newsletter for more information.
Dust off your golf clubs and take part in the Friends of Visitation Golf Tournament next Saturday, Sept.22nd at Allenmore Golf Course. Money raised will go towards supporting Visitation Catholic School. Questions? E-mail Elisabeth Albers at
SCHOOL DIRECTORY REMINDER: If you don’t wish to have your home phone number and/or address published in the school directory, please notify the office by Friday, Sept. 14. Also, any changes to information that will be listed in the Visitation Catholic School Family Directory since you signed your contract need to be given to the main office no later than Friday, Sept. 14.
SAFETY ISSUES: There is still some confusion on the morning carpool procedures. If you are going to park your car inside the playground and walk your child in, please be sure to park along the fence, and not in the middle of the carpool lanes, so that parents who are dropping off children can drive through the carpool lane and not be stuck behind a parked car.
In the afternoon, when you pick up your child(ren), be sure that you return to your car before Mr. Binh opens the gates to allow the cars to go.
Frankly, I am not happy with the current carpool plan both in the morning and afternoon, from a safety, as well as organizational standpoint. I would welcome suggestions on how to improve the current plan. If you are interested in working on this, or other safety issues, please let me know, as we do have a Safety Committee and they would be happy to have input.
RETURN OF THE POPCORN: Our popcorn guys will be back on Friday, Sept. 20th to pop that fragrant
tasty popcorn. It is a great treat for after mass. The price is still only 50 cents a bag.
SMILE FOR THE CAMERA: Visitation parish members are encouraged to sign up for pictures to go into the new parish directory. Sign ups are available in the back of the church. You can receive a free 8 x 10 Signature portrait along with a free parish directory!
A GREAT MATH OPPORTUNITY: Mrs. Falsetta is inviting 6th, 7th and 8th grade students to do their math homework after school in her classroom every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00 – 3:30.
LIBRARY INFORMATION: Mrs. Todd, our Librarian, would like you to know that the library books are coded with colored apples to indicate what reading level they are. Light pink indicates 1st grade, yellow is 2nd, orange is 3rd, green is 4th, red is for 5th grade, blue for 6th, purple for 7th, light green is 8th, peach is 9th and bright pink is for 10th grade.
If your child brings a book home at a low reading level it is fine if it is for their reading enjoyment. If they are reading a library book as part of a classroom assignment (such as a book report) the level should be more challenging.
OLD COUNTRY FAIR: Mark Sept.29th on your calendar to attend an old country fair at our sister parish St. John of the Woods. A guaranteed good time!
FLU SHOTS AVAILABLE: Our regional parishes are offering flu shots after Sunday masses during the months of October/November. They are scheduled for the following: Oct. 28th at SJW after the 10 AM Mass, Nov. 4 after the 12 noon Mass at Sacred Heart, Nov. 11 after the 9:30 Mass at St. Ann, and Nov,. 18th after the 10:30 Mass at Visitation. This opportunity is open to all with a $5.00 suggested donation.
THANK YOU: I would like to thank four of our wonderful students who put up a lemonade stand to sell lemonade and then donated their profits to our school. Thanks to Sammy (8th) and Tessa (6th), Angela (6th), and Marisol (6th). Thank you also to Celeste Ayton for the wonderful deviled eggs and thank you to Horyong Yu for the tasty Krispy Kreme donuts.
FYI: If you know someone who might qualify for a Habitat for Humanity house, you can call 253-627-5626 for more information.
FINALLY: This Sunday at all the masses in the Archdiocese, the Fulcrum Foundation will be advertising their capital campaign to raise money for their endowments.
I urge you to consider giving whatever you can to this worthy organization. Fulcrum was responsible for giving over $30,500.00 directly to Visitation School for tuition assistance last year. In addition, they gave us over $30,000.00 to open our satellite Pre-K program at St. Ann.
Money you give to Fulcrum will help ensure not only the future of Visitation Catholic School, but all of the Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Seattle.
Mrs. Harrison